
Dong Joon Kim 教授





地址:郑州市金水区东明路127号 中美(河南)荷美尔肿瘤研究院




1999年毕业于韩国忠南大学,2007年获韩国忠南大学博士学位。2007-2016年先后以博士后身份在韩国生命科学研究院、美国明尼苏达大学Hormel研究所、韩国科学技术研究委员会从事与肿瘤发生及预防相关的信号转导通路的研究。2016年至今在中美(河南)荷美尔肿瘤研究院从事癌症的分子机制与化学预防的研究。河南省肿瘤化学预防协同创新中心成员。研究结果发表在Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research、Cancer research、Cancer letters等国际学术期刊上。并承担Cancer letters杂志审稿人,Frontier in Oncology杂志副主编等学术工作。








多年来一直从事与肿瘤发生及预防相关的信号转导通路的研究工作,并得到国家自然科学基金资助,研究结果发表在Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research、Cancer research、Cancer letters等国际学术期刊上。


1. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,U180411388,食道癌中ACP6致癌分子机制和临床相关性研究,2019.1-2021.12,48万元,已结题,主持。

2. 韩国青年科学家研究金,2012.5 - 2014.5,1亿韩元。

3. 美国明尼苏达大学奥斯丁分校荷美尔研究所博士后研究项目,2008.7-2012.5。

4. 韩国生物科学与生物技术研究院医学基因组中心博士后研究金,2007.3-2008.6。 


1. Wang X, Xie X, Zhang Y, Ma F, Pang M, Laster KV, Li X, Liu K, Dong Z, Kim DJ. Hippocalcin-like 1 is a key regulator of LDHA activation that promotes the growth of non-small cell lung carcinoma. Cell Oncol (Dordr) 2022 Jan 31. doi: 10.1007/s13402-022-00661-0. IF:7.051

2. Mengjun Pang, Xiaomeng Xie, Yuanyuan Zhang, Kyle Vaughn Laster,Kangdong Liu and Dong Joon Kim. Ethyl Ferulate Suppresses Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Tumor Growth Through Inhibiting the mTOR Signaling Pathway. Front Oncol 2022 Jan 28;11:780011. IF:5.738

3.     Xie X, Wang X, Shi X, Zhang Y, Laster KV, Liu K, Dong Z, Kim DJ. Anwulignan is a novel JAK1 inhibitor that suppresses non-small cell lung cancer growth. [J]. J Cell Mol Med,2021 Feb 1. 25(5):2645-2654 doi: 10.1111/jcmm.16289. IF:5.295

4. Zhang, Y*. Shi, X*. Xie, X. Laster, K. V. Pang, M. Liu, K.Hwang, J. Kim, D. J. Harmaline isolated from Peganum harmala suppresses growth of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma through targeting mTOR. Phytother Res. 2021 Sep 20. doi: 10.1002/ptr.7289. IF:6.388

5. Shi X*, Zhang Y*, Xie X, Pang M, Laster K, Li J, Ma X, Liu K, Dong Z, Kim DJ. Ipriflavone Suppresses Growth of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Through Inhibiting mTOR In Vitro and In Vivo. Front Oncol. 2021 Jun 10;11:648809. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.648809. eCollection 2021. IF:5.738

6. Zu X, Ma X, Xie X, Lu B, Laster K, Liu K, et al. 2,6-DMBQ is a novel mTOR inhibitor that reduces gastric cancer growth in vitro and in vivo. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2020;39:107. IF:12.658

7.     Zu X*, Xie X*, Zhang Y, Liu K, Bode AM, Dong Z, Kim DJ. Lapachol is a novel ribosomal protein S6 kinase 2 inhibitor that suppresses growth and induces intrinsic apoptosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells. [J]. Phytother Res. 2019 Sep;33(9):2337-2346. IF:6.388

8.    Xie X, Zu X, Liu F, Wang T, Wang X, Chen H, Liu K, Wang P, Liu F, Zheng Y, Bode AM, Dong Z, Kim DJ. Purpurogallin is a novel MEKs inhibitor that suppresses esophageal cancer growth in vitro and in vivo. [J]. Mol Carcinog. 2019 Jul;58(7):1248-1259. IF:5.139

9.   Tian X*, Liu K*, Li Z, Lee M, Chen H, Li Y, Ma F, Zhao Y, Liu F, Oi N, Bode AM, Dong Z#, Kim DJ#. 2019. 3,3’-Diindolylmethane inhibits patient-derived xenograft colon tumor growth by targeting COX and ERK1/2. Cancer Letters. 1(448)20-30 IF-6.491

10. Xie X*, Liu K*, Liu F, Chen H, Wang X, Zu X, Ma X, Wang T, Wu Q, Zhen Y, Bode AM, Dong Z#, Kim DJ#. 2019. Gossypetin is a novel MKK3 and MKK6 inhibitor that suppresses esophageal cancer growth in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Letters. 1(442):126-136 IF-6.491

11. Wang L, Zhang Y, Liu K, Chen H, Yang R, Ma X, Kim H, Bode AM, Kim DJ#, Dong Z# . 2018. Carnosol suppresses patient-derived gastric tumor growth by targeting RSK2. Oncotarget 6;9(76):34200-34212 IF-5.168

12. Kim DJ#, Lee MH, Liu KD, Lim DY, Roh E, Chen H, Kim SH, Shim JH, Kim MO, Li W, Ma F, Fredimoses M, Bode AM and Dong Z#. 2017. Herbacetin suppresses cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma cell growth by targeting AKT and ODC. Carcinogenesis 26;38(11):1136-1146. IF-5.072

13. Kim DJ*, Roh E*, Lee MH, Oi N, Lim DY, Kim MO, Cho YY, Pugliese A, Shim JH, Chen H, Cho EJ, Kim JE, Kang SC, Paul S, Kang HE, Jung JW, Lee SY, Kim SH, Reddy K, Yeom YI, Bode AM and Dong Z. 2016. Herbacetin is a novel allosteric inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase with antitumor activity. Cancer Research. 1;76(5):1146-57. IF-9.13